Whether it’s a repair, saddle fitting, or saddle fit adjustment:
we have your horse’s back.
Saddle Fitting Services
Saddle fittings and evaluations include tracings, a brief history about you and your horse, a static saddle fit, and a ridden dynamic saddle fit.
Please have your horse groomed and ready to be ridden so we can fully assess the fit and balance of the saddle in motion. Saddle fitting is available for wool, foam, and air paneled saddles. Wool panels may be adjusted on site if necessary.
Prices starting at $125 per horse.
Travel Fees: $40 per hour of travel round trip. For large groups at a barn, fees can be waved. Please inquire with questions.
Full saddle fitting and evaluation of available saddles. You will also have the opportunity to ride in available demo saddles.
Prices starting at $125 per horse.
Travel Fees: $40 per hour of driving from Rochester, MN.
*Travel fee waved if there are 4 or more riders at the barn.
Repair Services
The replacement of all billets.
$45 per billet
* 2 billet minimum and we will always recommend all billets be replaced at the same time to ensure even wear.
* Price may vary depending on market value.
Drop panels and replace all old wool with new wool.
Price starts at $350.
Drop panels to assess compromised tree.
Price starts at $75.
Drop panels and make any necessary adjustments.
Price starts at $350.
Replace compromised or damaged rivets.
Price starts at $450.
Complete deep clean of a saddle.
Price starts at $45.
Air panel conversion to wool flocked panels.
Price starts at $350.
*Please note that this often changes the fit of the saddle so it no longer has the potential to fit the horse.
We offer a variety of additional repair services.
Please contact for additional details and a quote if you have a repair that needs to be made and it is not listed.